Her Renewed Strength | Bible Study, Christian Theology, Christian Women
Welcome to Her Renewed Strength-The Podcast! At HRS, we’re on a mission to get more women in the Word of God. Whether your struggle is to have time for Bible study or simply better understand what you read in God’s Word, this show will help you get in God’s Word and grow in your faith as a Christian woman. Hey, I’m Erika, your Jesus-loving Puerto Rican life coach! I’m passionate about God’s Word and I know, firsthand, the transformation that comes from investing time into a relationship with Jesus. I believe that the best way to live out your faith is to read your Bible, develop GOOD theology, exercise spiritual disciplines, and engage with culture in a way that honors God and points others to Jesus. On this show, I’ll share Bible study tips; dive into God’s Word; and talk about all things theology; all in an effort to help you live out your faith with boldness. Grab your Bible, notebook and a pen, sister friend. It’s time to dive in! NEXT STEPS: 1. Learn More // https://herrenewedstrength.com 2. Download the FREE Simplify Bible Study Resource // https://herrenewedstrength.com/soap-bible-study-method-resource 3. Join the Community // https://herrenewestrength.com/community 4. Want to put Jesus first in your busy schedule and have time for the things that grow your relationship with the Lord? Grab the Christ Centered Productivity Framework Mini-Hub for just $37! https://herrenewedstrength.thrivecart.com/ccpf-minihub/
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Hola friends! Raise your hand if you feel like your busy schedule is kicking your heiny.
Listen, I know what that’s like to have one task or activity bleeding into the next…to have no downtime…no time to think…just go, go go. It’s really tiring and overwhelming, not to mention, super stressful. It also contributes to those feelings of anxiety and defeat because, despite your best efforts, you just don’t get everything done.
If you’ve been asking the Lord to help get rid of the anxiety and just figure out how to make all this craziness stop, this episode is for you. Today, I’m going to shoot you straight and reveal the REAL reason you don’t feel accomplished each day, even when you do everything “right.”
Are you ready? Let’s do it!
Featured Review:Such a wonderful show! "Such a beautiful and powerful show! If you are a Christian woman, you need to listen. Her most recent episode about finding your verse of the year was super practical and encouraging."💖 - Tia BJell -
FREE Resource:
Need help in creating a time management system that puts God first, reduces overwhelm, and actually works? Join the FREE WORKSHOP on February 15th: Productivity Beyond The Planner >>> www.herrenewedstrength.com/workshop and you’ll automatically be entered to win amazing door prizes, plus get access to the replay for 48 hours following the workshop
Episode 124: Should You Feel Guilty About Setting Boundaries? 3 Verses That Reveal What God Says About Guilt
Episode 119: How Choosing A Verse For 2023 Can Help You Reduce Anxiety & Improve Your Time Management As An Anxious Christian Woman!
Episode 20: What's Making Me Anxious?! How To Prioritize When Everything Seems Like A Priority - Free Workshop!
Connect with Me!
Facebook: @emdiazcastro
Website: herrenewedstrength.com
Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Hey, friends!
In our last episode, I shared 4 ways you can reduce your to-do list by 50% and one of those ways was to set boundaries. I gave you a permission slip to say no to others’ asking you to take on more; and even to yourself when it comes to being distracted. The thought of setting boundaries might trigger negative feelings for you and I want to be sensitive to that.
So, today, I pose the question: should you feel guilty about setting boundaries? To answer this question, I am sharing 3 verses that will help you think through this, so you respond truthfully and in a God-honoring way
Grab your Bible, highlighter, and a pen… let’s do it!
Featured Review:I am so glad I listened! "This is great! Anchor me to what I know to be true and use God's word as he tells us to! You go girl. I’m gonna re-listen cuz I need this!" - slow learner and new system -
Read the blog post here >>> 3 Verses That Reveal What God Says About GuiltFREE Resource:
FREE WORKSHOP on February 15th: Productivity Beyond The Planner. Head to www.herrenewedstrength.com/workshop to get access to register and you’ll automatically be entered to win amazing door prizes, plus get access to the replay for 48 hours following the workshop.
Connect with Me!
Facebook: @emdiazcastro
Website: herrenewedstrength.com
Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Hey, sis! Today I’m speaking to those of you who feel like your to-do list is taking over your life.I know that to-do lists are really helpful and they’re a very needed piece of our time management systems. However, they can also become little idols in our hearts. Why is that? Well, I think it’s because we worry so much about what we’ve yet to cross off those to-do lists. So much of the energy spent thinking about them take from the energy needed to create a system to get all that done without the overwhelm.So, today I’m sharing 4 ways to reduce your to-do list by up to 50%. It might sound impossible, but if you really challenge yourself to follow my lead here, I have faith it can happen. So, what do you say? Ready to do less? Let’s go!Featured Review:Wonderful Podcast! "Love the work that God uses Erika for! I think it’s a very important area in our lives that needs to be addressed and I’m grateful to know this podcast exists. Keep up the wonderful work." - La Bomba Boxfit -
Read the blog post here >>> 4 Ways To Reduce Your To-Do List by 50%
FREE Resource:
Need help in creating a time management system that puts God first, reduces overwhelm, and actually works? Join the FREE WORKSHOP on February 15th: Productivity Beyond The Planner >>> www.herrenewedstrength.com/workshop and you’ll automatically be entered to win amazing door prizes, plus get access to the replay for 48 hours following the workshop.
Episode 118: Q4 Recap & Reflection... PLUS Quick BONUS Workshop! 3-Steps To Setting Your Top 2023 Goal
Episode 16: Stress-Free Productivity Systems for Your Planner
Episode 20: What’s Making Me Anxious?! How To Prioritize When Everything Seems Like A Priority - Free Workshop!
Episode 72: Do You Feel Burnt Out or Overwhelmed By Your Everyday Life? 3 Signs of Burnout and 3 Simple Steps To Stop The Madness!
Connect with Me!
Facebook: @emdiazcastro
Website: herrenewedstrength.com
Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
Friday Jan 13, 2023
Friday Jan 13, 2023
Hey sista-friends!
Do you work well under pressure? Do you think you do your best work when you procrastinate? I don’t know if you know this, sis, but sometimes, even the best plans fail to be executed effectively and STILL lead to last-minute efforts.
So, today, I’m posing the question: when you actually walk out your plans, are your efforts profitable, or do they lead to poverty? I’ll turn to Proverbs 21:5 to answer that question, so I hope you have your Bible, a notebook, and a pen because we are digging in deep! Let’s do it.
Featured Review:So grateful! "The High functioning Anxiety episode hit home for me! Thank you for the powerful work you do- great podcast!!" - ChristyCdawg -
FREE WORKSHOP on February 15th: Productivity Beyond The Planner. Head towww.herrenewedstrength.com/workshop to get access to register and you’ll automatically be entered to win amazing door prizes, plus get access to the replay for 48 hours following the workshop.
Connect with Me!
Facebook: @emdiazcastro
Website: herrenewedstrength.com
Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Hey friends!
Over the last few months, I’ve reviewed a lot of data coming from Her Renewed Strength - The Community and the number 1 struggle for so many of you is understanding priorities, whether that’s identifying your priorities or fitting in your priorities so your busy and hectic lives reflect what’s important to you. This is stressing you out. It’s triggering anxiety for so many of you! You’re overwhelmed. You’re not where you should be. You’re tired and you are so done.
I want to help! I really, really do!
The truth is, it’s really challenging to offer time management tips if I don’t fully understand the core of your struggles. So, today’s episode will help you identify the real reason you’re struggling and why you’re in this stressful cycle. If you’re ready to move in a different direction…If you want to know what the issue is and do things smarter.
Grab a notebook and a pen because I’m sharing the # 1 way you can truly uncover your productivity pitfalls, so you can finally get things done and be less overwhelmed by your to-do list.
Featured Review:Thank you for discussing the hard topics "Thank you for talking about mental health and God. I feel renewed after listening to your latest episode. Thank you for being obedient to your calling." - Marilyn_W_
Read the blog post here >>> 5 Key Steps That Will Help You Really Uncover Your Priorities
FREE WORKSHOP on February 15th: Productivity Beyond The Planner. Head towww.herrenewedstrength.com/workshop to get access to register and you’ll automatically be entered to win amazing door prizes, plus get access to the replay for 48 hours following the workshop.
Connect with Me!
Facebook: @emdiazcastro
Website: herrenewedstrength.com
Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Friday Jan 06, 2023
What’s up, sister friends?! Are you craving rest for your soul?
We are coming out of the holiday season and, if you’re anything like me, anxiety and overwhelm are the other side of the coin during this busy time. Sure, we love being with family and celebrating Jesus’ birth. However, we can be tempted to do a lot in a short period of time, which leaves so little room for REST or even just space to be still.
If you feel like you’re running on fumes and struggling to feel PEACE, this episode is for you. I have three verses to share today. I pray you take some extra time to meditate on them and study them because I know they will help you shift your perspective.
Are you ready? Grab your Bible, journal, and pen; and let’s do it.
Featured Review:Great topics! "We need more talks around mental health and God and that He is the healer. But also practical tips to apply in our everyday lives. Grateful for Erika doing this!" - JessVaughn22 -
Read the blog post here >>> 3 Verses To Help You Let Go of Anxiety & Have A Peaceful Start to 2023
Connect with Me!
Facebook: @emdiazcastro
Website: herrenewedstrength.com
Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Friends! Happy New Year!
Are you ready to reduce overwhelm in 2023?! I know I am!
In today’s episode, I want to give you a different angle on entering the new year. You may have heard of choosing a word for the new year and I know you’ve heard of choosing a new year’s resolution. I’ve done both and continue to choose a word for each year. Last year, I chose a verse for the first time. I want to share with you WHY this is powerful…. WHAT this can lead to…. HOW this can help you reduce anxiety AND improve your time management skills.
If you struggle with time management, setting boundaries, or are in the habit of overcommitting, this is an activity you definitely benefit from participating in.
You CAN get more done, focus on what matters, and keep Christ at the center of it all; and today’s episode is helping you build a foundation to do just that.
Grab a notebook, a pen, and your Bible because we are digging right in!
Featured Review: It’s all about shifting perspective!! "Merry Christmas and Happy New year🥳 Thank you Erika for your biblical guidance these past 4 months! I found you because I resonated with the photo of you. You had a beautiful bald head, much like my own at the time. So I clicked, just to check it out. From there I fell in love with your content that actually had really nothing to do with any sort of cancer, which was a relief. Thank you for reminding me and your listeners that we are not our anxiety, we are not our fears, and we are not our diagnosis. Thank you for teaching me how to take an inventory of my days, so that I can manage my day better before the overwhelm sets in. This podcast is fun and exciting, keep it going until God says that it is finished. You continue to serve God within your service to others. Sending love to you and your family, ✌🏽bye." - Justine Rhene -
Read the blog post here >>> How Choosing A Verse For 2023 Can Help You Reduce Anxiety
Connect with Me!
Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro
Facebook: @emdiazcastro
Website: herrenewedstrength.com
Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
Friday Dec 30, 2022
Friday Dec 30, 2022
It's almost the end of 2022, and I can't wait to share what happened in Q4. Thank you for making 2022 absolutely incredible!It is also at this time of the year when many of us think about setting goals for 2023. So in this episode, I will walk you through a goal-setting workshop you will LOVE using the ARC Method. It is the same process I took to setting my 2023 goals, one of which is rebranding the Her Renewed Strength. And I'm sooo happy to announce that the rebranded website is now live!!! Check it out at herrenewedstrength.comI pray you will love all the newness, and that the goal-setting workshop will help you prepare for 2023.Featured Review:Love this Podcast and all the inspiring, helpful tips in walking by faith! "Love what you stand for, friend!! Such an important reminder that we don’t have to strive for renewal. It’s more about receiving from the Lord and seeking God first to let Him lead us. Thank you for always drawing us back to Him and what He calls us to do. Thank you for answering your calling! - Megan Gephart, Armed to the Heart Podcast Connect with me!
Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro
Facebook: @emdiazcastro
Website: Her Renewed Strength
P.S. If you went through the goal-setting workshop and you have no idea how to make that happen or need additional support, email me at hello@herrenewedstrength.comThank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Hey, Sis!Are you struggling to have a consistent time in God's Word or simply a quiet time alone with Him? Do you want to make your devotional time more transformational?In today's episode, I share my conversation with Michelle, a dear person I do life with and my podcast guest. She shared super simple time hacks that you can start using today. Besides getting things done, these time hacks make it easier to fit in things that matter, like daily devotions.I pray this blesses you.Featured Guest:
Michelle Byrd is a mom to three energetic kids and a wife to an amazing man. She is a former health coach and fitness instructor who calls herself God's girl. She is a podcaster whose passion is helping Christian working moms manage their time so that they have more time to pour into their kids and their families without feeling guilty or overwhelmed.Connect with Michelle Byrd:
Website: www.byrdmichelle.com
Podcast: The Busy Vibrant Mom
Email: info@byrdmichelle.com
Connect with me!
Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro
Facebook: @emdiazcastro
Website: Her Renewed Strength
Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.
Friday Dec 23, 2022
Friday Dec 23, 2022
Do you get anxious about your ability to perform or your inability to perform? Is your anxiety tied to actions that you can't get away from time constraints or a reduction of your capacity?Friend, you might be experiencing High-Functioning Anxiety.Today's episode is a treat for you!!! Recently, I had a conversation with a new friend, Dr. Lisa Hartwell, about high-functioning anxiety. It was a good one that I don't want you to miss it.What is high-functioning anxiety? How is it different from clinical anxiety? What must one do if you are experiencing it? These are just among the thoughtful questions I asked Dr. Lisa which she answered powerfully.Featured Guest:Dr. Lisa Hartwell is described as a multifaceted gem by her clients for her strength with having a vast spiritually-anchored perspective that she teaches through the lens of practical, neuro-based psychological understanding for a growth mindset. She exudes warmth and connection, balanced with direct feedback to inspire shifts and changes in you. Her positive outlook helps you focus and find your best next steps. She teaches high-achieving professionals how to use anxiety as their ally so that personal development can be accomplished with more ease and grace. She is the podcast host of Anxiety Ease with Dr. Lisa Hartwell, a self-improvement podcast for ambitious professionals and business owners who struggle with high-functioning anxiety whenever they feel overwhelmed. Anxiety Ease is not about eliminating your high-functioning anxiety. It is about going on a self-discovery journey of illuminating the incredible human that is already there, and how high-functioning anxiety can shine the light on our growth.Connect with Dr. Lisa Hartwell:Free Quiz: Are you a high-achiever and ambitious at work but not getting any traction? Click the link to discover your High-Functioning Anxiety Score. www.hartwellanxietyassessment.com
Website: www.drlisahartwell.com
Podcast: drlisahartwell.com/podcast
Facebook: www.facebook.com/drlisahartwell
Instagram: @drhartwellatanxietyresilience
Connect with Me!
Instagram: @mrsdiazcastro
Facebook: @emdiazcastro
Website: herrenewedstrength.com
Thank you so much for listening! If you love today's episode, the best way you can show love and support is to leave a 5-star rating & a written review on the podcast. This helps other Christian women who want the same support and valuable content find the show.